Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm Sorry Ms. Jackson

We interrupt my basketball blog to concentrate on a personal matter concerning me. I hope this person reads this and hopefully we can talk soon. 

We have loved, broken up, gotten back together, then started all over again. The other day I left two hateful voicemails & text messages out of anger. I did not mean any of those words. 

When I left your grandmother's house last Tuesday, I followed you a few blocks out of anger. I have never been so upset with you that I was not in my right state of mind. We haven't been together in over a year but I've always valued your friendship and companionship. I calmed down that night and felt really bad I left those hateful messages on your phone. We were both pissed off each other that night and I hope you realize that I'm not a hateful person. 

Think what you want about me but your grandmother was not going to get that $20 until I finished work. When I leave early I have a certain time to get home (I was trying to rush home to get back to work). It was a coincidence that you called me right when I finished work. Had you arrived earlier you would have seen me knocking on every door because I could not remember which apartment was hers. Please forgive me as I did not means to say those mean & hateful words towards you. OK folks, next week I'll continue to breakdown the upcoming college & NBA season.

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